Friday, 21 March 2008

A Munchkin Heartbeat

It's ALIVE!! It's truly ALIVE!!! WhahAHAha!!!

The experiment is a success!!! WhahahahHAHa!!! HA .....HA....
Check out the magic happening at 1'01".

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

The Little Nose that Could

One the most interesting changes to Moah's body has been this unbelievable discovery of a super-nasal sense of smell. I swear, it's a super sense!! We'll be on a wonderful roundabout; birds singing from tree tops, sun blistering across the lake water, just a beautiful clear day and, all of a sudden, Super-Nasal sense will kick-in. "Smells like cabbage", the nose will say. "Cabbage? Where?" And sure enough, a tiny piece of cabbage will be hanging from a plastic container directly in front of may be a mile away, but it will be there...directly in front of us.

Nothing can get pass the Super-Nasal Sense!!

Sunday, 16 March 2008

First Craving: False Alarm?

A few days back, I got a call from Moah asking me to pick up something to munch on.
"Cherry tomatoes!"
she blurted out, and then promptly demanded that I find a crate...or two. Could this be the Munchkin's first food craving? Moah doesn't believe so .....

but she keeps asking for more cherry tomatoes.

I believe she is starting to really enjoy the whole pregnancy experience. Then again, we are still in the elementary stages of it all. As of today, she has had a pretty mellow pregnancy; thankfully lacking in all the hoopla of morning sickness. I hope for her sake that it remains this way. Our next appointment is this Friday. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures to post.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Not much to RePort

Not much to report on the baby front these days.

We're waiting for our next appointment coming

in a week's time.

Our doctor said something about a heart beat but I think it may be a little early

- then again, what do I know.

I met with Moah at Coffee Bean after work today

and I caught her rubbing her stomach while she was having a laugh with her friend. Strange how a mother's instinct just kicks in.

She didn't even realize she was doing it.




...still doesn't.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Munchkin Pics

Here are a few more pics of our little life force.


Ain't it the cutest embryo you've ever seen in the whole wide world?

Ain't it? Ain't it?....Ain't it?

Thursday, 6 March 2008


::Newsbreak! ::

::Our little Munchkin has made itself a little home!::

They grow up so fast, don't they? Only last week the little Munchkin was too small for the naked eye, and now the Munchkin is a rockin' 1.05cm tall; one-point-zero-five.

I just read that the foetal projected growth rate at this stage is a full double-up; two-point-one, here we come.