Friday, 25 April 2008

Week Twelve - Video Two

Here is the second video in the week twelve series.

Notice how Munchkin holds a beat there...I don't want to jump to any conclusions here but we may have a new colossal star on our out, Elisha! smiles...

If you are having problems buffering this video simply pause it for awhile, stand up, walk to the kitchen, fix yourself a nice tea, come back to this room, sit back down, take a sip from your mug (but be careful as the contents may be hot) and, press play again. If you follow these instructions you should have no problems buffering this video or any other video you may encounter on this wide web of information we call the internet.


Anonymous said...

Oh! Looking at what's in the oven, this munchkin promises to be full of energy. Looking at those moves it seems to me that this little munchkin will know how to use baby powder... maybe...hum!

Anonymous said...

Hi Moah and Karl, are little munchkin is on the move. What a heartbeat, strong and getting stronger.

Now little munchkin is a mover and groover and has lots of space to move.

Go baby go!!

Mom & Bill

Anonymous said...

Hey Karl -

per our last conversation, here are a few sites that you might find useful in the baby planning process:

1. There is a baby series on a financial planning stite available at:

2. Another link you might like is available at:

I have another good one but I'll have to send it to you later since I don't have it here ...

thinking of you you xoxoxox mi.

Anonymous said...

thank you berry much lil' sis