Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Thanks for the Hand-Me Downs!

Today is Wednesday; a great day.

You see, Wednesday is hockey day.

Over the years, hockey in Korea has become a nice little break from the rigors of the workweek. Although these days, I'm following a rigid no-work program and enjoying every second of it; a small perk that comes with teaching 200 young adults how to ask for directions to the local movie theatre , bank and pharmacy.

Ahh, hockey; love love LOVE it.

Not to mention that we have a good bunch of people showing up and suiting up to play.

Last week, while I was chugging down a sip of blue power juice, Dave, a teammate of mine, turned to me and said: "I got a bunch of stuff from my little one we're not using anymore. You can have it if you want." "Want? Sounds absolutely superb." I quickly retorted (of course, being on a hockey bench, I cussed between words 3 and 4.)

So here following is a little video I made to say thank you to the Weber family for thinking of us and our little one brewing in the oven.

Thank you again.

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